The Professor of the Bratsk State University (BRGU)- founder to scientific dynasty SUHORUKOVYH, begin which was as one should per annum his(its) arrival in storied city Fraternal (1965ã.) for functioning(working) by teacher in the first âûñøåì the educational institutions of this city now (BRGU). The Sound siberian climate, bounless charming elbowrooms of the taiga, high spiritual ascent of the young builders, city and HIGH SCHOOL promoted the birth a pleiades naturally, created full-flowing river èäåé and äåðçíîâåííûõ scientific fulfilment. Suhorukov G.I. - a honourable professor of the SANKT-PETERSBURG state university (SPBGU), member corresponder Petrovskoy academies of the sciences and art (the PANEL), real member of the SANKT-PETERSBURG alliance scientist, real member Russian geographical society, real member New-york to academies of the sciences. The Fraternal state university, str. Makarenko 40, Fraternal, 665709, Russia; tel. 007(3953)332008; - prototype general law of the reflection and refractions of the waves (the reflections of the waves from onward moving mirror and etc); exact molded for calculation path ëó÷åé light, acoustic and the other waves in flat-lumpy and spherical-lumpy ambience; molded for calculation of the atmospheric refraction (the stocky and astronomical); exact molded the effect Dopler when moving the source and receiver of the waves in free direction; exact molded the law of the motion interacting tel (with provision for effect of the motion); the new methods of the calculation complex cosmic and atomic systems; molded for calculation ionizing potential beside multiple-unit atom; the classical theory ÿäåð; the new theory of the elementary particles; the theoretical model of the world ambience - an airwaves; the new methods of the calculation unstabilizabilityand diffusions. The Works of the researcher are registered in fund "Realignment Estestvoznaniya". THE MONOGRAPH SUHORUKOVA GEORGIYA
IVANOVICHA "Real physical world without paradox" (in
archive rar) The
Monograph is dedicated to classical method of the studies in modern physicist,
founded on New-york beliefs about space and time. With these position to manage
to solve many problems. Formulas of the united laws are Received for mechanical
and light waves. The Revealled reasons appearing inconsistent result experience
Fizo, Maykelisona, Saniyaka and phenomenas to starry abberration. It Is Designed
theoretical model of the world ambience airwaves. The Installed regularities of
the interaction moving charged tel. Cite an instance calculation complex cosmic
and atomic systems. The new regularities will Revealled in periodic system
element. It Is Given motivation classical electronic-eaten through models atomic
ÿäåð. It Is Made critical analysis to modern theory elementary chastic. 11. THE CALCULATION OF THE ABERRATED CORRECTION IN THE PROCESS O. |
Suhorucov Grorgiy Ivanovitch |
The Given sites contains information on Suhorukove G.I. |
The New theory of the construction atom http://www.lisiy-dom.ru/index.php
The New theory of the construction atom
we take searching for Suhorukov Georgiy IVANOVICH) http://garpus.narod.ru/Data/Anomal/Html/tech/esterle9.html
The New belief about space and time within the framework of holistic
paradigm http://siac.com.ua/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=893&Itemid=44
PARADIGM http://physical-congress.spb.ru/russian/Suhorukov_01/suh05.asp
Last renovation
01.11.2006 |